Saturday, November 13, 2010

NaNoWriMo Day 13

I've written 2,295 words today!

At this moment (9:05pm), I am at 18,021 words - 3,650 words behind where I should be by midnight tonight. Is it possible that I could write 1,825 words yet tonight, leaving only 3,492 words for tomorrow, catching myself up to exactly where I should be starting on Monday?

It's possible. It would be damned hard and would likely take me until midnight. Have I mentioned that I write slowly?

Congrats to my writing buddies Ashley, Brandon, Kelly, Matt, Michelle, and Paul! NaNoWriMo sounds like a lark until you actually try to do it - it's harder than it sounds. That said, I really enjoy slogging through my stories every November - why can't I just keep it up year round? There's always a story I want to tell.

My book is going along well enough, with the typically ponderous pace I am used to. I'm trying to be a good little writer - no skipping scenes, no scrimping. It's been a lot of establishing of characters, and then character development. Ugh.

I've yet to reward myself with a juicy murder - what good is an entertaining murderer if I can't unleash her? At this rate, it'll be a while before there is any unleashing.


Update at 11:47pm - I made it! Whew!


  1. How about 41k huhn? :-P (Just teasing, congrats!)

  2. After wondering if I could stretch my story to fit 50,000 words, now at 41,633 I'm wondering if I tried to fit too much in...and I think I'm going to be way past 50,000 words before I finished.

    My pace is too fast, my characters are a little two-dimensional...but I guess that's what December is for.

    Think I'm gonna spend longer re-writing and polishing than I did actually writing the damn thing...but I think a set deadline is exactly what I needed
