Friday, November 09, 2007

Most Thoughtfullest Warlord Ever

While playing an RTS (Real Time Strategy) game this weekend, I noticed that one of my little peasants had been busting his butt for an hour gathering water. Another peasant had been busting his butt for an hour gathering rice.

In my mercy, I decided to switch them, so they wouldn't get too bored. (Or Carpel Tunnel). Damn I'm thoughtful. No one else would take the time. I mean really.

Oops, I made one healer too many -- I'll just have her jog on over to the enemy base all alone so they can kill her. Sorry sweet thing, but Daddy has an empire to build.

1 comment:

  1. You EVIL, EVIL Man!! You changed the chores of two PEASANTS so they won't get BORED but then send a poor innocent HEALER, who by no fault of her own,- NAY It was YOUR fault she was there to begin with- over to an enemy camp to be tortured and killed so you won't have to be BOTHERED with her in the quest for building your EMPIRE????

    You're a SICK, SICK, EVIL ruler!!!
    You should be De-throned and beheaded or overthrown and thrown in the dungeons of your own castle for punishment!!!! Let's see ya get out of THAT fix!!!!

    Ye Gads.......The HUMANITY!!!!!!

    (Now you see why Paulius doesn't like for me to play RP games- I get WAYYYY to involved in the game......)
