Saturday, October 30, 2010

Too Lazy to Scrub?

The kitchen is one of the messiest places in the home. Food splatters, crumbs, oil splatters, spills, condensation and the funk that accumulates in cracks and crevices.

One frustrating kitchen chore is scrubbing out the trash can. The best way to do this is to take it outside and use a long-handled scrub brush and a garden hose.

Living in a apartment, I don't have a back yard or hose. Millions of people live in apartments, and have the same problem I do.

So - new from EtchCo! The StackCan!

This trash can is made up of a series of stacked parts that fit together into a sturdy, rigid can for daily use.

Every few weeks, simply unstack the can and arrange the pieces for a quick wash and rinse in your dishwasher! Too 'green' to use a dishwasher? The pieces are easily scrubbed in the sink, and dry quickly!

On the left is a normal can - on the right is a can 'unstacked' into a series of easy-to-wash parts.


  1. The scary thing is that this is a pretty neat idea. I'd totally buy one.

  2. Thanks! I think they would sell, yeah. I'd buy one.
