Friday, September 21, 2007

Come on now...

When people say "no regrets", I wonder how sincere they are. Do they truly have no regrets, or are they worried that by changing the negative things, some positive things would be lost in the timeline re-shuffle?

Me? I wish I'd gotten a degree immediately after high school, since I still haven't.


  1. For me it's being afraid that changing some of the negative things would posotive things being lost in the timeline shuffle.......It's a trade off, basically.

  2. For me, no regrets simply means it's something I can't change and it has made me who I am today. I might regret the things I did, but I don't regret the outcome of what I am today because of those dumb things.

  3. seriously. sounds like you are doing all right.

    i think of you often, etch. grass is always greener sort of thing . . .
