Friday, September 28, 2007


You know that babbling about getting back into the longer, in-depth, meaningful posts? Yeah, I forgot something important - - I was blogging from work back then, and that aint* gonna happen no more. Also, I'm a lot less chatty now that I'm caffeine free. Hemingway had liquor, I had stimulants. Whatchoogonnado?

*Wait, shouldn't there be an apostrophe in ain't? Should someone really worry about correctly punctuating ain't? Hmm.

1 comment:

  1. Yes- there IS and apostrophe in Ain't.

    And yes you should worry about spelling it's actually IN the Urban Dictionary and I believe in Websters as well.

    Caffine Free? OMG- has the ENTIRE world gone MAD?
    Was Caffine Free a personal choice or one required or suggested by your doctor?

    I feel sooo much less edgy since i went caffine free. It's been almost a year now.

    Nonethless, I am no less chatty.
    Ask anyone who knows me.
