Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Another Fine EtchCo product!

I don't know about you, but I have tons of projects I would love to finish, but somehow never get around to them.

How about this? You log in to Etcho's, type up your project synopsis, enter a start date, a projected finish date, and buy some collateral - a $200 or $500 bond, say. That seems pricey, but remember, not finishing the project needs to sting, or where's the motivation?

Next, you can agree to a pre-set contact schedule, or customize one of your own - do you want to call you once a week? Once per day? Do you want email reminders? Text message reminders? You'd fill out agreements that give the web site permission to hassle you.

Say once per week you get a friendly email, once per fortnight you get an encouraging phone call, and once per month you get an urgently-worded snail mail letter stressing the importance of finishing the project.

"How are ya's? We's understands you's supposed ta be halfways done wit dat wedding scrapbook. Ya's only gots two more weeks, until things gets, ah - Jimmy, what's dat? Yeah, things'a get 'unpleasant'. Ya's don't wants that, do ya's? Heh heh heh."

You could set milestones, so you could set a novel you'd like to write as a project, and when you finish the synopsis, you log in to, mark it off, finish the outline and mark it off, each chapter or act could be a milestone. You'd get congratulatory missives for each milestone - "Way to go!".

If you finish the project on time, you get your $500 bond back. If not, the pressure is turned way up for those last few weeks. Of course, you can forfeit at any time, and lose the entire bond. Want an extension? For a small fee, we would be happy to give you another 30 days to complete the project, and still be eligible for the full bond.

Once late, for every day the project is not finished, will charge you $50. You'll get daily phone calls at this point, angry letters, and so on - until the entire bond is gone.

Once your bond is forfeit, your community profile status will blacklist you as a 'No Good Dirty Quitter', until you complete a project, when you're returned to 'Wanna-Be" status.

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