Thursday, May 03, 2007


Y'all in the South! Get your butts down to Publix, and get some Sticky Buns Ice Cream! Delicious!


  1. Ok, that sounds really good, but with a slightly creepy name.

    Other ice cream available in the South, but not up here: Banana Pudding ice cream. I had a pint (yes a whole pint and yes, all at once) of that on one of my more recent trips to Alabama. I have been longing for another pint ever since. It was real banana flavored (i.e. not the nasty artificial banana flavoring, because that stuff disgusts me) and had bits of Nilla wafers. Wait, what you originally talking about?

  2. This ice cream just proves to me I'm getting older, more cynical and FAR more dirty minded.

    Back when I was 10, if someone said 'sticky bun', I'd have assumed you where talking about the sweet cake-like confection.

    Today I see "Sticky Buns Ice-Cream" and automatically think "hur hur, that sounds like a porno movie title."

  3. [ears perk up] Did someone say something about porno and ice cream?
