Tuesday, June 12, 2007

she also wields a block of pumice

What is it with the commercials for bathroom cleaning where (usually a woman, because somehow, corporations think only women scrub bathrooms) a woman is standing before the toilet wearing safety goggles, welding gloves, hip waders, a lead apron, and wielding a pick and chisel.


I have cleaned bathrooms professionally, and I'm the one who cleans them at home. All you need to clean a toilet are:

a) Paper towels
b) Windex

(Note - add a bleach tablet to the tank once a month.)

Using the Windex, you spray the toilet's tank and lid, then open the lid, then spray the top of the lid, then spray the seat, then lift the seat, spraying the underside of the seat, the rim and bowl.

Wait 30 seconds. Wipe down everything you just sprayed. Now spray the base, everywhere, and wipe it down. If you do it right, you will need at most 3 paper towels (Bounty).



  1. What??? You mean you DON'T need an orbital sander to clean the toilet? Just a general purpose cleaner and some paper towels???

    You're not suggesting the advertisers are being slightly less than truthful, are you?


  2. Bet she had children, children who never aim quite properly.
