Monday, March 24, 2008

But I play one on TV

We all think we're experts in everything, thanks to TV - if someone at work mentions a medical symptom, I dive right into a differential diagnosis. If something is lost or stolen, I turn into an impromptu CSI team. It's sad, really.

In some ways we're more savvy because of TV, in other ways, more deluded.

I bring this up because Cindy's car was keyed recently - we don't know if it happened while the car was at home or at work. Since she's a manager where she works, she wonders if she pissed someone off. Who knows? But I took a look at the key-scratch, and it goes like this:

I automatically decided (in my great wisdom) that it looked like an idle keying, not a "F*ck you bitch I hate you!" keying. This is the keyed/scratched pattern on her car, displayed here in yellow to best stand out:

Looks like an idle incident of vandalism, no? So it's not just me? Looks like a jerkoff teenager was wandering the parking lot with his key, and doo-dee-doo, let's scratch some cars at random. As a control, I have created several other possible scenarios - I think Car Keying/Scratching Vandalism Interpretation is a career I might go into - it's pretty cut and dry.

(Mouse over each pic for my interpretation)


1 comment:

  1. Kiss Kiss Slut Kiss Kiss?

    Maybe Cindy has a secret admirer with poor impulse control and a very bad grasp of appropriateness.
