Sunday, June 06, 2010

She's 23 Years OId. It's fine, really.

So I have a crush on Amy Pond, the latest companion on Doctor Who. It's fine. It's her attitude that I like best; she's sparky. For some reason, I like her most when she's peeved or freaked out.

In this last pic, the Doctor has just handed Amy an apple that she herself cut a smiley face on when she was 9 years old. That would indeed be freaky...

I was really excited about this new season, as you might have read here - but so far this year has not been up to my expectations, which to be fair are pretty high. Amy Pond is probably the best thing about the new season.

Matt Smith has been doing a fine job as the Doctor - I think it's the writing that's not up to snuff. Weeping Angels breaking people's necks? Come on.


  1. Don't sweat it hun...I have a bit of a crush on her as well- I think it's because she reminds me a LOT of Donna who I would totally have as a best friend in RL.

    Matt Smith is doing fine as the new "Doctah" but he's still no DT who I still miss horribly.

  2. Well, weeping angels breaking necks wasn't the problem for me...that was handwaved by mentioning they were weak, so it's feasible they couldn't send people back in time ye..

    The part I didn't like was how they were suddenly able to look at each other...didn't Tennant's doctor trap them by doing just that?
