Monday, April 19, 2010

Cosmic Orgasm

I mentioned in a recent post that I was not sure about the new Doctor Who and the upcoming season.

It all comes down to Steven Moffat really. During the one hour Doctor Who promo that aired before the season premiere, I discovered that Steven would be the new lead writer and executive producer. I literally jumped up and down crying out "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Steven has written so many wonderful Doctor Who episodes, and a lot of other great stuff too.

If you're a Doctor Who fan, these episodes by Moffat should ring a bell:

The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
The Girl in the Fireplace
Silence in the Library
Forest of the Dead
The End of Time

I'm very much looking forward to this season of Doctor Who!


  1. I'm three episodes in, and giving nothing away, it's really good.

    The first three episodes at least seem to be going back to the old-school 'short story' format like 'Blink' (one of my favorite episodes ever) and 'Girl in the Fireplace'.

  2. Blink and Silence in the Library gave me nightmares, but I liked TGITF.

    I have yet to see an episopde of the new Doctor.....I saw the regeneration tho.....which gave me nightmares as well...I woke up yelling "NO!!!!! Don't Change!!!"...but alas, David Tennant was really and truly was NOT a dream.

  3. how is ~cindy~ cough, cough? my grandfather had chf, but he was diabetic.

    if you are still looking for work, the seattle area has some interesting companies. nintendo has a branch up here. nice relaxing atmosphere for ~cindy~, btw.

    check it out.


  4. Hmm. Mariska... Sounds vaguely familiar... But then it doesn't. El Paso was a very long time ago after all. Were we close? Or did you love me and leave me?

    Very snazzy Facebook pics!
