Thursday, February 22, 2007

'Cause the DJ is asleep

If you have a new favorite song, should you:

A) Listen to it over and over until you have absorbed the essence that's attracting you

B) Limit your listening to once per day, to keep it fresh and rare

It might depend on why you're enjoying it - something fundamental about the message/delivery, or how it enhances/changes your mood.

If it's fundamental, then you're less likely to get bored with it, and if it's attraction based on mood, you might as well enjoy it while you can. Hmn.


Also, do you favor cleverness over brilliance? I do, and it seems childish of me.


  1. I tend towards A though I'm not sure it's a good thing.

  2. I'm completely the opposite-.... I used to listen to my fav tunes as often as possible- but found that I got bored with it after a month or now I just listen to them as a random thing...unless I'm planning music for a party in which case you HAVE to have as many fav tunes as possible.
