Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Results Are Incontrovertible

I have developed a fool-proof method to determine whether a person believes in Fate or in Free Will.

(Yes, one or the other, not both.)

Let's imagine you're heading out to your car, and it starts raining. Pouring. Coming down in sheets. Do you run for the car, or just keep walking?

If you run in the rain - you believe in Free Will.
If you walk in the rain - you believe in Fate.


  1. Hmm, I believe in free will, but I walk to the car in the rain.

    Then again, I saw the episode of Mythbusters where they proved running in the rain actually gets you wetter than walking.

  2. What part of "incontrovertible" is unclear to you? Jeez.

    Mythbusters? They are propaganda fiends, surely you're not buying into that hype!

  3. What if you turn around and run back inside? Does that make you a Nihilist?

  4. Anonymous8:22 PM

    haha i thogh you typed:

    fate or free wii

  5. Anonymous8:24 PM

    seriously, depends on my mood and where i'm headed next and what season it is and if i'm intentionally building a horrid run-on sentence like the ones i see all day
