Monday, July 13, 2009


I read some scuttlebutt online recently - can't recall the site - but the gal who wrote the article had some pretty good evidence that there's something suspicious about iTunes programming and her iPod - namely, her iPod "is playing songs it wants me to buy more of".

With her 'all songs' playlist running on random shuffle, more than a random amount of the band Paramore was playing. Next, she opens iTunes to discover on the main page that the new Paramore album is now available for pre-order.

Only 50 out of 1,136 songs on the iPod were Paramore, yet the band came up one-in-ten times across 100 attempts when skipping to the next song. Hmm.

It certainly seems do-able that a 'random' function could be easily tweaked based on marketing decisions. Would that be underhanded on Apple's part? Or just another way advertizing has infiltrated our lives?

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