Thursday, July 30, 2009

"Bleep You, MC Etcher!"

Urban Dictionary did not give my new word "phapp" (a new word/contraction for "phone app") a thumbs up.

Something about "thanks but not so much, with the good".

What the bleep?! Who do they think they are? Hmph.

So I signed up as an editor, and submitted it again.

Phapp is a great new word! (Would it be better as "ph'app"?) You guys could help me out by using the word 'phapp' liberally in conversation, in IM's, in SMS's, and in your blogs. Let's get the 21st Century headed in the right direction with a great new word!

My most recent phapp is the Barnes & Noble E-Reader. It actually has even more features than the Kindle phapp, which I thought was pretty snazzy already.


  1. Maybe it has to do with sounding just like "fap" which has a very different meaning that is very likely to be found in Urban Dictionary.

  2. This Just In: Urban Dictionary is Anti-Homophone!!

  3. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Eew! I just looked up what fap means. Hah- funny.

