Monday, August 31, 2009

How was my weekend? Well...

Cindy managed to get herself into some trouble.

No, of course not! My good lady wife is always a law-abiding citizen.

Turns out, Cindy's sister Tammy is going into forensics. We all had a chance to get printed, it was fun. Apparently all my prints are typical except for my left pinkie, which has some more rare 'Accidental Whorl' action going on.

Forensics would be cool to study - but I don't know that I would want to do it as a job - calls at 3am to tag and bag a stiff might be fun the first couple times, but after that? Not so much.


  1. You know not all Forensic Scientists or Forensic Anthropologists study the recently dead. Forensics works well on the old dead people who aren't on a schedule too.

  2. You're saying that a 3am call to tag a 500 year old stiff would be fun?

    Okay, I admit that you are correct.
