Friday, December 15, 2006

LubDub LubDubLubDub

Have you noticed? A song with a speedy beat seems to slow down when your heart rate is elevated? Listening to my ipod while on the treadmill, I frowned at the music slowness. Since I'm old, I checked the ipod's battery level.

Remember cassette walkman? Your batteries would get low, and the songs would start slowing down. Kids today probably think cassettes are funny.


  1. Anonymous7:08 AM

    HAH! Cassettes? I know kids who think floppy discs are "funny"

    What? only 1.4mb? What can you possibly do with that?

    I remember when money island 2 was the "biggest game ever" because it came on 11 floppy discs.

    (What they'd say if I told them I played Street Fighter 2 on my Commodore 64...on tape, mind you, and had to let it load for 4 minutes between rounds...they probably wouldn't beleive me.)

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    There's a blast from the past. Do you remember not having access to new batteries so you'd try to ignore the fact that Michael Jackson's voice on the copy of the Thriller tape you'd made was slowly lowering to (gasp!) manly levels?
