Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hey, Cake!

I finally got around to watching Clerks 2. I prefer the original, but that's just an opinion.

Part of me wondered: "How long will Kevin Smith just keep making the same movie?"

And then another voice said: "Why not ask why Agatha Christie never wrote any sci-fi? Damn, Agatha - another mystery?"



  1. Anonymous9:53 PM

    And then another voice said: "Why not ask why Agatha Christie never wrote any sci-fi? Damn, Agatha - another mystery?"

    Are the voices in your head always this geeky? They never tell you to kill or go on some sort of rampage?

  2. The voices are usually geeky, yeah.

    At worst, they encourage me to invent bizarre giant balloon contraptions or to dance in public.
