Monday, January 29, 2007

Stamping of Foot!

So I just logged in to Blogger, and I get this message that they're gonna be pals just this one last time, (cause we go way back and all, with the thing with that guy that one day) but next time I want to blog, I gotta gotta haveta upgrade to New Blogger.

Can you believe this shit? A service I voluntarily use every day is improving against my will, and I have to upgrade!

When I think of how much quality time I've gotten out of Blogger these past few years, all the great people I've met, and all the money I haven't spent on Blogger, I just get so not angry!


  1. what if i wanna stay old and retro?

  2. Anonymous1:45 PM


    The upgrade was painless for me (other than them denying me the first couple of times when it was still beta). The nice thing is that even though you upgrade, you keep your old template. They don't force you to use their new layouts system unless you really want to. The fact that the new blogger instantly publishes (no more waiting for it to make all of those html file) and the much better inline spell-checker are worth the price of admission.
