Friday, January 12, 2007

What to babble today?

There are any number of quips, conspiracy theories and invention ideas I could talk about, but most of them would involve the heady chore of adding in hyperlinks or photos, and if you haven't noticed, it's Friday.


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Hey Mike,

    I've seen the link to your blog from Kato and Paulius. I looked at all of the stuff on your main page today and wish I'd have done so sooner. I really like the B-52s entry and the time travel one. I think I'll be popping by more often.

  2. Hey Ozzy, Welcome!

    Thanks for the kind words - just when I was thinking about stopping the blog, I get a new reader!

    Well I couldn't quit now, could I? All two of you would be left hanging! Hi Mom!

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Friday is way too late in the week to start something new. The weekends are shot and Monday is well, Monday.

    That pretty much leaves tue-thu for blogging, and Wed is hump-day, so that kinda makes it hard to blog. So, I guess we're left with Tuesdays and Thursdays... (the rationalizations of a Blogger)
