Monday, April 23, 2007

Maybe it's just me

Have you ever wanted to disappear mysteriously?

Your spouse comes home to find the front door ajar, stew bubbling away on the stove, fresh green bananas on the counter, a scattering of solo-sex paraphernalia on the desk, while freaky bovine/reptile porn is looping on the computer...

...and a broken window.

You're nowhere to be found. Your car is in its parking spot. Your keys, wallet, shoes - all personal effects are in their proper places. You have vanished, seemingly wearing only your underwear, never to be seen again.


  1. It's just you. I'm completely repulsed by green bananas.

    But it would be an interesting premise for a short story.

  2. So, what you're essentially saying is you want to absolutely terrify your significant other?

  3. DUDE! You have ISSUES!
