Friday, August 03, 2007

not a real knot

It's very weird - I can't tie a knot consciously.

Say I'm about to throw sweatpants into the washer, and I want to tie the waist-ropes together. Can't do it. My fingers fumble. Same thing happens if I try to tie shoes if they're not on my feet.

If I pull the article of clothing on, I have no problem tying the knot on the first try - I allow the knot to tie itself, somehow. But when I focus on it, it doesn't happen - because it's not a valid knot-tying situation? I know it's a simulation?

Is that a reason all my creative projects fizzle out, because I'm not committed enough? I know it's just for fun, and so I allow myself to be distracted? Or is it a Brain Crack phenomenon (as described by Kato and Paulius)?

I thought not taking myself too seriously meant that I would stay grounded, avoiding Pompous Ass Syndrome. It might be limiting my creativity too.


  1. Interesting.

    I think everyone has little quirks like this tho. From age 4 to age 16 I had to wear a tie with my school uniform. That means that right now I can tie a tie without even thinking about it.

    BUT, I can only do this to the tie I'm currently putting on. If someone else asks me to tie a tie for them, I have to take it from them, put it on, tie it...then loosen it enough to fit over my head and hand back to them.

    Oh, and all creative projects fizzle out once you get used to them. You sound like me, what was the most important thing last week pales in comparison to the new big idea

  2. Yeah if it's not on me I have to put it in my lap to tie it too, MC.

  3. Anonymous8:53 AM

    eeek! if i had children, this would so happen to my twin boys who would be entering, gasp, 3rd grade!

    also, as a side note, we had a young man, say 20, over for dinner the other evening and he never, gasp, learned to ride a bike!

    have you seen that Dangerous Book for Boys book on the bookstore shelves?
