Monday, October 19, 2009

Dark Alley

Ally McBeal as a goth superhero? No.

Taking my pre-dawn walk this morning was a spooky thing - maybe it's all the Halloween decorations.

It was pretty cold for Florida - in the 40's - so I was surprised on several levels when I saw what seemed to be a frog the size of a bulldog about fifteen feet ahead of me on the path.

I imagined that as I drew near, the frog would speak in a voice like James Earl Jones burping the alphabet: "Do not fear me!" at which point I would run scared shitless in the other direction. The frog turned out to be a water stain on the cement.

The spaces between buildings each seemed like dark alleys. It seems that once you're freaked out, you stay freaked out, yes?

So I started thinking about dark alleys, and the reasons I might willingly walk down one.

1) To help someone being attacked
(I like to think I would)

2) If enticed by a pretty girl
(Who wouldn't fall for anything when EBAPG?)

3) Hearing "Darn it, I know I dropped that Ring of Teleportation around here somewhere".


Yeah, there is no 4. There are only three reasons.

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