Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Moon Shot!

Set your DVR for NASA TV on Friday, October 9, at 7:31AM Eastern/4:31AM Pacific.

NASA sez:

"Once within range, the Centaur upper stage doubles as the main 4,400 pound (2,000 kg) impactor spacecraft for LCROSS.

The smaller Shepherding Spacecraft will guide Centaur towards its target crater, before dropping back to watch—and later fly through—the plume of moon dust and debris kicked up by Centaur's impact.

The shepherding vehicle is packed with a light photometer, a visible light camera and four infrared cameras to study the Centaur's lunar plume before it turns itself into a second impactor and strikes a different crater about four minutes later."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Water on the moon, my ass! The government probably wants to try out a new nuke.
