Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fun at Publix Grocery

We discovered a new Publix grocery store in our area with a lot of variety we have not seen since California, or never seen in person. We had fun.

Turkish Delight - Full of Eastern Promise! LOL.

Jammie Dodgers! I have heard about them in many a UK amusement. I want to say I heard of them on Doctor Who (I'm not thinking of jelly babies), but Michelle says it's the Louise Rennison books. I'm sure it comes from more than one source in my memory.

This horned melon does not look delicious. As a hunter-gatherer, I would not spot that and think "dinner?" unless I was very hungry. Which I would be.

1 comment:

  1. Both Turkish Delight and Jammie Dodgers are British treats.

    Oh, and you did hear about Jammie Dodgers from Doctor Who. In 'Victory of the Daleks', The Doctor stalls the Daleks by pretending a Jammie Dodger is the TARDIS' self destruct button.

    You can keep your phasers and doesn't get more badass than holding off a group of reborn, master-race Daleks with a Jammie dodger.
