Thursday, November 09, 2006


We use these little cheap squirtguns that we bought at the grocery store to discipline the cat. Where a "No no!" doesn't work, a quick SQUIRT gets the point across right away.

Would it be wrong to take it to work and use it on my coworkers?

Those people who love to whisper during the tests, or email jokes while we're supposed to be studying?


1 comment:

  1. For Booker, our 75 lb. GSD mix, we tried using squirt guns and found that for his size we needed super soakers. No joke, we actually have a collection of them and after a while when he was bad all we had to do was pick up the gun and he would remember to be good. We don't even have to bother with them now that he's a couple years older.

    Chewie, on the other hand, thinks that being sprayed with the Super Soaker is great fun, so it's not such a good punishment.

    As far as using them on other humans, feel free to try, but don't use them to let your spouse know that they are being annoying. Just trust me on that one.
