Friday, July 27, 2007

Just out of greed, even

It's weird to me that the Dursleys never warmed up to Harry, even if just for self-serving reasons. All manner of magical stuff goes down before their very eyes, and still they treat the boy like shit.

If not from fear, then why not greed? "Hey boy, is there a way we can make money with this magic stuff of yours? Yes, we know you can't do magic at home, but what about at school? We'll owl you broken antiques while you're there, and you'll do your Reparo thing, yes? Earn your keep, and perhaps a little respect boy, eh what?"

1 comment:

  1. I always thought they'd wise up a little, at least out a of self preservation.

    "Hmm, Harry's going to be able to do magic outside of school as soon as he turns 17...well, guess we'd better start sucking up, so we don't spend the rest of our lives thinking we're vacuum cleaners."
