I'm sad to report that I know far too much about a certain show, destined no doubt to become Lifetime's highest rated program ever. It's not my fault. I'm married, and they sell DVDs of the show. It runs constantly. It's as if our home has become The 24/7 Gilmore Girls Network.

Sookie is my favorite character, if just for her energetic glee. Wait, no - it's Paris, for her take-no-prisoners attitude. Don't even get me started on the whole Rory and Dean debacle - And what was the deal with Jess? Guess he won't be back, since the actor has his own show now. Logan gives me a toothache.
If I were an actor and could play a role on the show, I'd want to be Kirk. He's in every episode, and he always has some funny job. Great role.
In truth, I only watch the show for that moment that I know must be coming - Where Lorelai and Rory just give in to their desires, shut the hell up for two minutes, and jump each other's bones. When Family Guy did a segue of just that, I gotta tell you - I felt vindicated. YEAH!
last quarter, two women from my WS200 did a presentation on their analysis of GG as a feminist text . . . what do you think??
ReplyDeleteI think that the show is a good representation of how people can take charge of their lives, make changes for the better, and solve their problems with the love and help of their friends and family.
ReplyDelete...If that's feminist, then sign me up.
Mmmmm... incest.
ReplyDeleteBill Harris, the guy who writes the Dubious Quality blog (about video games and his family) admits to being a closet fan as well. I, however, have more important things to spend my time watching. Like Totally Spies!
uuuhhh--hhhuuuhhh....we know your secretly addicted.
ReplyDeleteI'm addicted to GG as much as a victim of water torture is addicted to water...
ReplyDeleteThe first few seasons were good. Witty writing and fast pace. The last few years have been 'eh'.