Thursday, February 09, 2006

Simon Sez Get Freaky!

I had to head to work early this morning, and the sun wasn't up yet. Going to work in the dark is kinda gloomy and depressing. Yes, during my time in California I have become a definite sun-addict.
I was heading north, and one of the cars in the southbound lane did this little flashy-flashy thing with their headlights as they passed me. I glanced down to make sure my brights weren't on, and they weren't, so OK then.
Another southbound car did a flicker flash also, this time with the hazard lights flashing once. What the hell? Is there a cop up ahead? A jet of fire coming out of my tailpipe? Am I speeding towards a giant crater?
My Dad, salt of the earth that he is, would have known what those flicker-nod-and-a-winks meant, those streetwise signals that only time and wisdom can teach us.
But in Los Angeles, one never knows. They could have been car-sex-fetishists enthusiastically propositioning me - and being a geeky male, I completely missed the signals. We usually do.


  1. Big cities scare me.

  2. How metaphoric: "and being a geeky male, I completely missed the signals. We usually do."

    Coppers, accidents, flat tires, no lights, deer, turtles, and fish--you never know.

    Someone should improve the code: two short flick and a long flash for patrol . . .

    Hope your life(ves) have been going well.

  3. I'm voting for giant crater.
