I have some sinus issues, which means I very often have drainage going on in the back-of-the-throat area. (Lovely image, I know). The aforementioned goo gives me a nasty taste in my mouth and needless to say, bad breath.
As a treatment, I pop Altoids (Thank You So Much, Great Britain!) very often. They are yummy and they scrub my breath nicely. But can I just go on like this, popping Altoids like a fiend with a drug habit? I once considered saving the tins and eventually building a house of out them.

Perhaps I should get examined, have a surgeon drill my sinus channels a bit larger or some such. Or get a liquid Altoids drip installed - like an IV, but from a beer-hat like contraption.
Hmn, it would be a conversation-starter, anyway.
I'm just glad I read this post after lunch.
ReplyDeleteMy buddy had his sinuses drilled. Said it was the most painful thing he'd ever done.
ReplyDeleteOh, and after the operation, that was when the doctor chose to tell him he'd have to have it done every 6 months.
Altoids have branched out with the gum and the fruit flavors and all, but what about drinks or liquor?
ReplyDeleteI can't even handle the mints tho, so nevermind.
The real sinus issue is if they don't drain.
ReplyDeleteDoctors now don't ususally go the "windows" in the sinuses route, since it has to be redone. To make sure that they do drain and don't just clog up, they go in through the nose and scrape the inside of the sinus which is not smooth, but kind of honey comb like. They scrape to smooth it out and allow for better drainage. Pleasant, no?
Yes, quite painful, but actually worth it in the long run. Repeated/almost constant sinus infections vs. brief pain and no more infections.
The best part is the packing they use in your nose, or what my referred to as the "tampons up your nose." You probably didn't want to know any of that did you?
I'm actually a big fan of the Eclipse mints. They come in some pretty nice tins as well, but I always transfer whatever mints I have into my Simpsons mints container with Ralph Wiggums on the front. "These mints taste like burning."
Yes, altoids are good, but I use stronger stuff--the kind that makes you gasp (can't remember the brand name).
ReplyDeleteAnyway! About sinus issues! I just went to Urgent Care friday night (2 hours) for an earache I've had for a few days. The diagnosis? Eustacian Tube disfunction. The cure? Chew some gum and hope it "pops." grrrrr. Also, take sinus allergy over-the-counter meds to help with the stuffiness.
The really weird part? I had to ask this doctor to look down my throat! She did, in passing, and said it looked fine. When she left, I took the instrument, stretched it's little cord thingy over to the mirror and looked myself:
On the left side, the ear that is hurting, the eustacian tube is so swollen that I can see the opening! I didn't even know there was an actual opening in the back of the throat! My other hole remains nicely invisible. WTF? Couldn't she see the HOLE?! Or did she not want to admit that she forgot to look in my fricken throat?!
Meanwhile, I'm so drowsy on this anti-drowsy sinus/allergy medication--it's the damn chalk, I tell you--that I can barely grade.
Breath? Who could think of her breath when her a fricken _hole_ is in the back of her throat? Do you have a hole in the back of your throat? If so, is it exposed?
What to do?
What if hot coffee/tea goes up it?
I think I gotta post this on my blog too---people gotta know about the holes in their throats.