Monday, August 28, 2006

Biting is good

Our cat is so smart - we're certain she's smarter than any other kitty out there. Thanks to us, of course! Granted, we can't take credit for her genetics, but it's clear that her environment has done wonders.

I built her a toy to chase, made of a short length of plastic pipe, a strand of dental floss, and a toy mouse. She loves it! Far more than any store-bought toy. Probably cause it smells like me. Yep.

As she pounces on the mouse, she doesn't try to hurt it - instead she pins it down with a paw and attacks the string - she's that smart. She's not wasting time or attention, she's going for the source.

It's easy to get in a rut. We go about our daily routine, and there are changes we want to make, but somehow we never get around to making them - rarely the important ones.

Often this is because we focus on the wrong problems or distracted by the day-to-day BS while our biggest issues go unresolved.

Attack the string.

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