Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What are the variables, please?

Extra Credit:
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Well first of all, it's a Woodchuck, so I must assume that it could or rather can chuck wood. The "if" phrasing makes one wonder if there is something impeding the woodchuck. Is it ill or infirm? Depressed? Recovering from pine-nut addiction? Since its health and vitality are not detailed, we must assume it is a healthy middle-aged woodchuck.

What the hell is a woodchuck, anyway? It's a groundhog, part of the squirrely family.

The question seems incomplete. What variety of wood? What's the elevation? Time of year? Is it a male or female woodchuck? How much time is allotted? What is the average chucking speed? What time does the fucking train leave Philadelphia?


  1. You've fallen for one of the oldest scams in the book. While you were pondering the nature of the question, someone was stealing your wallet. I spent an entire summer travelling through Europe using the same technique to pay my way.

  2. Ummmmmm.......

    Take a DEEP BREATH.......

    Good, now exhale SLOWLY and repeat as necessary.

  3. Uhhh....I think you think way too much. Or think about random shit way too much. Maybe you just need to stop thinking?

  4. btw-woodchucks don't chuck wood, they gnaw wood. Any good woodchuck theologian would know that....sheesh.

  5. Can't stop thinking. Is problem.

  6. What time does the fucking train leave Philadelphia?

    Hey, that sounds far more exciting our freight trains. You Americans, you think of everything!
