Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Call Hollywood! Wait. Nevermind.

I have this great concept for a sitcom - I could be this guy with an ordinary job, and every week he has a new hare-brained scheme. Comedy gold!
What's that you say? It's already been done 500 times? Oh. Oh I see.
Well then, I'll just leave this list of hare-brained schemes as a recap of the ideas I've had over the past year. The oldest are listed first.
They are NOT episode ideas. Nope.
Bandolier of Manly Showering Supplies
Softer-Touch Keyboard and Mouse
‘Go Assist’ Bike Gizmo
Ice Climbing With the Stars
Complete Digestive Bypass
GO Light
Travel Pods
Infra-Red Microwave Display
Behavior Modification Dog
Quacking Katsup
The Bathroom Bastard
How am I driving?
The Man Shade
Mushroom Messages
Always Frozen sticker
TV Diner
Great Illustrated Classics Prints


  1. Happy 2 Year Blogiversary.

  2. Sniffle! You noticed! Girls, this one's a keeper!

    You're a few weeks early, but I'll take kudos anywhere I can.

    Mmmn, Kudos. I haven't had any in years - do they still make them? I like the ones with chocolate chips.

  3. Apparently.

    I figured I'd wish you it now in case I forgot to do so whenver the actual day is (I guess I could look that up but I'm feeling lazy).
