I've had the dubious pleasure of driving cross-country many times in my life. These trips are made unfun by the rush - we can never stop and enjoy any of the cool stuff, since our destination time always falls in a very small window.
One thing you're bludgeoned with as you're driving across this country is the sense of damn this place is empty! since between cities, the U.S. is a whole lotta nothin. Often, this nothin is very beautiful, even if it's a stark desert you're driving through.
Over the next 100 years, commercial spaceflight will really be taking off (har har). Access to Earth orbit means you can be anywhere in the world in about an hour. You pop up to orbit, and land at your destination - quite zippy even compared to the Concord. Popping over to Paris for dinner will be totally reasonable.
The natural result of this - you can live anywhere and still easily commute. Regions of Montana, Oklahoma, Wyoming, and other wide-open-spaces states will no longer be undesirable places for corporate commuters to live. Cute little stylized towns will pop up all over the U.S. and the world, much to the chagrin of the locals, I'm sure.
So if you can find a secluded little town, one of those Dry Creek Gulch, Population 17 sort of places - and it's surrounded by breathtaking vistas and a good source of water... Buy it now while it's cheap.

Huh..great. I might just be a milloinaire someday. Now, if I could just figure out how to speed up the whole 1 hour hop thingy to NOW!