Friday, January 25, 2008

The answer is 2

I was cutting an apple on the cutting board this morning, and the knife broke - the blade snapped free of the handle. I promptly set the broken knife aside and grabbed another knife.

The second knife cut the apple like... well, like a knife cuts an apple.

But I had to wonder, as I was crunching and munching the appley goodness, why I assumed the problem was the knife, not the apple. Why didn't I check the apple? How many knives would I need to ruin before I'd check the apple?


  1. Would have said 3 for me.

  2. Nah- after two I would have gotten a banana.
    I'm a bit on the lazy side these days.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Maybe it was neither. Maybe it's your ridiculously toned forearms? We geeks are known to have Hulk-esque strength in our upper arms from all the mousing and typing. It's a gift and a curse.
