Monday, March 21, 2005

Take Note of Color and Texture

Ok, so on the grooming front, I have found a new use for Q-Tips.

That's all I'm gonna say.

No, just joking. Ears are a good thing to clean with Q-Tips and I like to do so after a shower. But I rarely get anything out of my ears. Not very fulfilling.

One morning, I noticed a booger in my left nostril (sorry, there's no civil way to say that) and I used a Q-Tip to nab the little icker.

Now I regularly insert and spin a Q-Tip, and am always rewarded for my efforts with some grossness on the tip of the q. I'd much rather remove it first thing in the morning before anyone will see me. Before the ick can migrate down to a viewable region, and disgust my fellow man.

And while I'm talking about gross things, I might as well continue. Every time I sneeze, pee, or release any visible element from my body, I take a quick gander. Over time, you know what to expect. If suddenly you're seeing rainbow colors where before all was earthy, you have a useful symptom to tell the Doctor.

But if you avoid peeking at this stuff, you're missing out on an important diagnostic tool. And perhaps even some portents, delivered in a scrying fashion. Never know. Mebbe even lottery numbers.

enough ickyness

The writing group has not met for the past 2 weeks in a row, and it's not my fault. The other two members had work, or parties, or some-such to attend to. Fine. Don't publish. See if I care.

I have been writing, but it's been for The Secret Project. So I cannot share. But I can say it's going well.

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