Friday, March 03, 2006

Credi-Bull #10

Credi-Bull - a news item that might be fact, or might be fiction.
When playing, please avoid definitive answers like "I know this is true, I saw it on the news last night." Instead, couch your vote as a "guess" - this will help ensure that everyone gets an unbiased chance to play!
During World War II, the 'HM Fort Roughs' was constructed - a floating island. The fort was towed to international waters and its pontoon base was intentionally flooded. It sank to a resting place on the sandbar.
In 1967, the fort was invaded by Paddy Roy Bates, who ejected a squatter group and claimed sovereignty on what he now called Sealand. Since then, Sealand's claims of sovereignty encompass the area of Roughs Tower and surrounding territorial waters.
In the late 70's while Bates was away, the Prime Minister of Sealand and several others staged a coup, holding Bates' son Michael captive. Bates enlisted armed assistance and retook the fort in a helicopter assault. He then held the invaders captive as prisoners of war before eventually releasing them - after insisting that at least one man pay a ransom.
Real or Fake?
(Vote in the 'comments' section, answer to be revealed Monday).


  1. Hmm...I shall say true, because people really are that crazy.

  2. true or false... eh... either way - it's all fiction to me

  3. Hmmm....I guess fake....but what a GREAT IDEA!! I want MY own island !!!

  4. True, true, true, true true.

    Oh, and btw, where are you posting the actual ANSWERS?
