Thursday, March 30, 2006

I've got a bad feeling about this

The owner of the company I work for is currently vacationing in Lybia (you might recall some issues we had with them in 1981).

Lybia is in North Africa, just west of Egypt. The owner and his wife will be there for a week, completely cut off from all communication.

They'll be staying in a sort of tent city in the desert with a large group of other tourists - guarded and escorted by the Lybian Army while they're in the area, with a trip to Egypt as a part of the deal.

Am I the only one who thinks this is a bad bad bad idea for a vacation?

Also, since they're incommunicado for that week, what a perfect time for me to surreptitiously deliver a ransom note to the company: "We have Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Send $50,000 each or they will be killed."

If only I already had an anonymous offshore account set up. Live and learn.


  1. I'm a big fan of running water and communication. Not such a big fan of guns and tents.

  2. I can think of places more suited for vacationing. Aren't vacations supposed to be RELAXING?
    I mean- isn't that the point?

  3. One of my aunts has been to Africa a few times, and each time has gone to a tourist 'compound'.

    The tour guide basically says "In the compund, fun and games...outside the compound, kidnapping, murder and death."

    NOT my idea of a relaxing vacation. I'll settle for being hassled by street vendors trying to sell me souveniers...not psychos trying to kidnap me for ransom.
