Monday, April 17, 2006

Seconds from Emotional Disaster!

There's a show on The National Geographic Channel called Seconds From Disaster - it begins by briefly describing a calamity, then jumping back in time to the first error or mistake and working forward to the final moments and the aftermath.

It's a good show, they get very detailed and use a lot of 3D modeling to help demonstrate the structural weaknesses of the aircraft, bridge, or dam they're describing in the episode.

National Geographic could modify this idea into a different kind of Reality TV show. Such as:

A couple is at a nice restaurant, creating a huge scene.

Wanda: You should have thought of that before you slept with my sister, you son of a bitch! (She throws a glass of wine at Greg)

Greg dodges the glass.

Greg: It was the least I could do, after you gave me Herpes! (He throws his steak knife at her)

Wanda grabs the knife in midair, but cutting her hand in the process. She leaps up and fires three shots point-blank into Greg's chest.

Narrator: Wanda killed four people that day, including herself. Let's step backward in time to discover what made Wanda into a murderer.

1983: Wanda does not get Barbie Wild Style Big Wheel for her 5th Birthday. Her long love affair with bitterness begins.

1985: Wanda does not win the 3rd Annual Birchwood Elementary School Art Contest because Peter Franklin is a cheating cheater.

1988: Wanda's father, a New York City policeman, takes her to the shooting range for the first time, beginning a lifelong appreciation for firearms.

1993: That jerk Greg Jeffries totally stands Wanda up at the prom. She is forever (subconsciously) angry at all men named Greg.

1997: Wanda's better looking and smarter sister Cheryl wins a scholarship to Rice University. Wanda hates her so much.

2005: Wanda marries Greg Thompson, despite a nagging worry that he is a Greg, and Gregs cannot be trusted.

2005: Wanda is a skank and begins cheating on Greg with his best friend Larry - from whom she contracts Herpes.

2006: Disaster!

The Experts Conclude: Like, if only she had received the Barbie Wild Style Big Wheel for her 5th Birthday, Wanda would never have become a cheating murdering cheater.


  1. Ha ha! You had me at "herpes".

  2. What have you done, Etcher!? What have YOU DONE!!!?!

    You know for a fact that if this blog is ever read by ANYONE inthe entertainment industry...that show will be picked up.

    Yet ANOTHER reality show on TV.

  3. Good thing no one reads it, then! :o)
