Thursday, June 22, 2006

Yabba Dabba Doo, Bitches!

A caffeinated face if I ever saw one.  And I do, every day - in the mirror.

Dear U.S. Surgeon General,

Hello. I'm sure that somewhere online or in some paper pamphlets you warn against suicide, and suicidal tendencies.

Just a thought - You might want to put something in there about the positive and powerful effects of caffeine.

Maybe something like: "If you're considering jumping off a bridge or slitting your wrists - stop by Starbucks, toss back a few double expresso's, wait an hour and give it a second thought."

I think that we'd see a glorious decline in ill-considered suicides.

MC Etcher


  1. I know I'm much happier when I get my daily dose of caffeine. :)

  2. What a headline, and what a picture to go with it!

    You join Kato on my "You owe me money to clean the coffee I was drinking off my monitor, and for the medical bills to repair the damage that 90 degree coffee just did to my sinuses."

    Oh, and I'm going to be saying "Yabba Dabba Doo, Bitches!" At every possible opportunity

  3. is this the one-time-at-band-camp chic?

  4. if i had a daughter who would be a freshman this year in HS, she'd be going to band camp . . . and that would be all i could think about . . .

  5. Yes, it's the Band Camp Girl, Allison Hannigan herself.

    But she'll always be Willow (of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame) to me.
