Sunday, November 06, 2005

An Email I Almost Sent To My Boss

Subj: Admin - Mailer Daemon - Unable to Send Mail

Hello Outlook Express user, this is an auto-generated response.

Outlook was unable to deliver your mail for the following reason:

117 emails over the past six months using "Question?" as the Subject field.

Please specify content-applicable Subject headers if you ever want another answer from Mike, thank you.

Bill Gates

PS: Spell checking would be great, too.


  1. As a special consideration just for you MC- I forwarded this to your boss myself.

    You're welcome.

  2. Dang- I just got the same message back!!!!

    You're a wiley one MC!!!

  3. I almost sent a memo to my boss, informing him that by double underlining and highlighting words like 'Urgent', would not make me work any faster.

    Especially after I'd told him a hundred times that the work he kept handing me was for another department.
