Saturday, November 26, 2005

I'm All Man. Really.

I don't know if it's my time of the month or if my estrogen levels are a bit high, or if my feelings are a bit closer to the surface due to all the writing I've done this month, but; those little salty droplets that come out of the corner of your eye - um, the name escapes me, but it's been happening more often lately. Sad song, sad scene in a movie, sad paragraph in a book... and oh great, here come the waterworks.

I don't know why I felt compelled to share that, but there it is.

It was this or another Him/Her dialogue piece, and I'm sure you guys are getting tired of those.


  1. does estrogen elevate between T-day and Christmas? what a facinating experiment you suggest, Dr. Frankenstein . . .

  2. If you haven't already, try reading The Kite Runner. This will only make things worse, but at least you'll have a good reason.

  3. eye boogers is what I call em. (those things that form at the corner of your eyes)

    (p.s. found you randomly with the "next blog" button)

  4. Or worse still, try reading "On the Beach" by Neville Shute. I couldn't stop crying in that one. Or "Watership Down" or "Kes". Maybe I'm just a bawler too.
