Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Like, Eeeeew

One of the civilized things my darling wife has taught me is to check the expiration date on the groceries I'm about to purchase and devour in the car on the way home.

In my bachelor days, I'd wolf something down, then as I was tossing the container in the trash, I'd discover that my just-eaten grub had expired two weeks before. Oops!

So now I check almost every item before I put it in the cart - lately I've been dismayed by the amount of expired food I've come across. What to do with it? I've been putting the stuff back on the shelf, hoping the store's staff will do their jobs.

But I go to the store the next week and find the same expired item still on the shelf. I'm tempted to just go to the grocery for the express purpose of filling up a cart (or three) with expired products, dragging them up to the front and asking to see the manager.

"Hi, all of this stuff is expired. Oh, and did I mention, the Channel 4 News Team is on their way. Public health issue, you know."

I've never worked in a grocery store... What would the manager do?

Would this be a righteous act or the cry for help of a bored, unemployed jerk?


  1. BAM! This should be a reality show.

  2. and a fun one too! I might have to do that some day...soon!

  3. DO IT!!! Righteous act in my books!!!!
