Sunday, November 22, 2009

NaNoWriMo - Day 22

Today was a blah Sunday. I worked yesterday, and I need to be to work early tomorrow.

It was a dreary, rainy, stormy day and we had to unplug the electronics in the middle of a productive computing period - Cindy was working on work stuff, I on NaNoWriMo from the coziness of our side-by-side desks. Even the cat was doing her part.

I put down a very necessary scene, which ended up as mostly dialogue with very little description. I'll need to go back later and flesh it out, which is usually what I consider a writing warm-up task.

Good luck, my fellow NaNoWriMo'ers!

Congratulations to KCGator (here I mutter a curse in Chinese), who finished her 50,000 word count last night!

Day 22 - Total Words Written: 37,704

Words Left To Be Written: 12,296

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