Thursday, October 28, 2004

2005 - The Year of Mystery! Whooooooo

We spent most of the day waiting for the new database to become active. Finally, around 3 o'clock, we were able to start entering the bugs we have been jotting down for a couple of weeks. Most of the ones I have are pretty minor, but hey, they're bugs.

I'm kind of in a confused state right now, I don't know what to do about 2005. I've been talking about going to school, but on and off lately, Michelle and I have been discussing moving next year. Should I start school and go to a part time work schedule if we're trying to move? Doesn't seem like a good way to save any money.

I'm kind of in a quandry right now. Part of me is afraid of the whole school idea and is looking for a way to put it off - is that what this is? Or the longer I think about the school idea, the more ideas/reasons I come up with to do other things.

Michelle is off tomorrow - she has to go in to work for a couple of hours, but that's it. I've been wanting to discuss it, but I don't wanna get into a big discussion about our future after she's had a long workday. So tomorrow, we can talk about it.

I'm still thinking about which story idea to use for NaNoWriMo. I dunno.

I have a couple more ideas for stories, neither of them are very funny though...

1) A twisted reality show - a group is picked up off the street and taken to a govt bunker. They're told that the world has come to an end, and that they - and several other bunkers dotting the globe - are the future of the human race. A small team of control room workers in a separate site must watch over all of the bunkers and guide them through any problems or repairs. The problems turn out to be engineered by the control room people, to draw dramatic scenes from the bunker. The bunker people are in on the whole scheme and it is their job to break the control room people. They must make the scenes as painful and stressful as possible for the control room people, until control room people can't take it any more and a) try to reveal the truth to Bunker or b) quit and walk out.

2) When walking to the car or towards the house, I hold my keys in my hand. I look down sometimes and realize that I'm holding the car key when I'm heading for the house. These are usually the times when I'm feeling cooped up and would rather be out driving. Sometimes I'm holding the house key as I approach the car, and I realize I'd rather be at home. It's as if I'm subconsciously choosing the key that leads me to what I am in the mood for. So what if, one day when I looked down, I realized I was holding a new key - one I've never seen before. This key leads to a new place - a place where some subconscious desire can be fulfulled.

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