Monday, December 05, 2005


I was in the dentist's chair early on Saturday morning (I don't know what I was thinking when I made the appt so early) and I had a mouthful of tooth-impression-goo, unable to speak.

The Dental Assistant was sitting quietly next to me, waiting for the goo to set up, and I had the overwhelming, uneasy sensation
that she was about to confide something to me:

"Sometimes, when I'm all alone in here I just turn on the gas and tear off my clothes and dance around."

And then I wouldn't be able to speak, but I'd look at her and she'd look at me, and then the Dentist would come back into the room and we'd pretend it never happened.


  1. OOOOOooooooookay........You fall asleep at the drop of a hat, don't you? Dentist offices have a way of making you hallucinate like that sometimes.
    It's okay- you're HOME now.

  2. Ummm, Mike? Are you remembering to take your medication?

  3. I'm with Paulius. Unless you're remembering the medication a little too often.

  4. Fabulous. I live for this stuff.

    Guess what? My partner goes in for a root canal tomorrow morning! Wonder what he will discover about his hygenist?? He gets a valium . . .

  5. I'm not going crazy - No on else ever has an awkward, quiet moment with someone - and you think they're about to say something, but they don't?

    That's all I meant, gee whiz!
