Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas Everybody!

All: "Merry Christmas Dr. Nick!"


  1. Who's Dr. Nick? And Why?

    Hope you had a Merry one. Post the oddest moment if you can. & thanks for the surprise--how sweet!

  2. Dr. Nick is a quack doctor on The Simpsons.

    Whenever he enters a room, he cries out "Hi Everybody!" and the whole room replies "Hi Dr. Nick!"

  3. Dr. Nick is one of my favorites, but my favorite random Simpsons characters are Cletus and Brandeen. Not that you asked.

  4. I would welcome a spin-off featuring Professor Frink.

  5. And the joke spin-off of Skinner and Wiggam in New Orleans would make for a funny show too.

  6. Frink is actually one of my least favorites. Mostly because I don't like Jerry Lewis either.

    The one with Clancy struggling with being a single father, "juggling a child and a career like so many juggling balls, two actually"? Nope, no idea what you're talking about.

    Now the talk of the fake Simpsons spin-off episode has me singing the theme song to Cletus and Brandeen's spin-off. "Some folk'll never eat a skunk, but then again some folk'll. Like Cletus the Slack-jawed Yokel."

    There's no reason for me to know all this. I think I need to enter rehab.

  7. Have you played the video game "Simpsons Hit and Run"?

    It's excellent - it's really a lost Halloween episode that you can play.

    I tested that one! It's the only Simpsons game yet worth playing.

  8. I have and I really liked it, though admittedly by the end of the rental period I was frustrated with some of the missions I had to do over and over because I stink at them. Of course, being able to get out of the car and repeatedly kick Milhouse made up for it.

    How did you get such a cool job? It hardly seems fair.

  9. Testing is the bottom rung in the video game industry.

    You can get into testing right out of high school, with no experience at all.

    Developers often hire a few hundred people at one time, it's not hard to be one of them. The beginning pay is pretty bad though.

    Thankfully, I've progressed to the management level of the bottom rung, wheee!

  10. Best Christmas Greeting EVAR!
