Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Like Lightsabers, But Different

What color is your aura?

Some folks say it's the same as your eye color, which could be interesting, since I have hazel eyes. According to Cindy, my eyes are green at the moment, so I might be glowing greenly to sensitive eyes just now.

Another story says your aura is the same color as the lint layer that you find in the dryer after you've run a few loads - for me, a ruddy purplish blue.

If you and your aura are a bit under the weather lately, perhaps suffering the effects of a little Seasonal Affective Disorder, head on down to Walgreens for a little Aura Relief - the sure cure for what ails ya!


  1. I think my aura changes throughout the day. From 9am til 5pm it's sort of a limp, grey thing.

    Come 5pm it's.... well actually it's still probably a limp grey thing.

  2. I have a court order to stay away from psychic conventions, for my aura burns with the intensity of a thousand suns.

  3. My aura has been a little ashy lately.
