Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Scary Feet

Despite my best efforts, I accidentally overheard a commercial for 24 tonight. I heard some bits and pieces about this week's episode, though I tried not to listen.

One phrase that stood out was the danger of "weaponized nerve gas", which struck me as funny, when all you need to make a nerve gas weaponized is to make a hole in its container. Like saying "Weaponized Chain Saw" - just turn it on.

Jack Bauer is frightfully skilled, no doubt about it. But I'd be really impressed if he could face down the really awesome WMD's...

Something like 'Weaponized Bunny Slippers' would be a scary feat.


  1. The dangerous poofy tail - so cute, so cuddly, so deadly.

  2. While I love real bunnies-(especially dredged in flour, salt & pepper and fried to a deep crispy golden brown served up with home-made biscuits(american buscuits-not English, and mashed and creamed potatoes with creamy sawmill gravy)-but that's for another day),- bunny slippers have always scared the hell out of me. I would totally freak, probally toss a grenade on them and then run screaming from the area when the furry-fuzzy-uzzy remnants came raining down from the sky.
    I shudder to even think of it.
