Friday, July 28, 2006


Dear Mike,
This is Mike. I'm emailing myself from 10 years in the future - it's 2016 here! How cool is that? I'm just testing out GMail To The Past (Beta). Right now there's a lot of legislation trying to shut the service down, so I can only send one email...
I don't have a lot of time - I need to get the twins ready for school. I just have time for a few quick things.
Cancel your auto insurance until 2014 - and then get double coverage and wear a helmet on Tuesdays.
New York Lottery - January 23, 2011 (45, 02, 17, 66, 33, 09)
When you meet Tabitha Perkins, QUIT YOUR JOB AND RUN AWAY.
When you leave the house during 2008, always carry -
1) Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
2) A 9-Volt Battery
Good luck dude!
PS: When you meet a girl from your 'celebrity sex list', do not and I repeat do not agree to go for coffee. (whew, can't believe I almost forgot the most important one)


  1. Could you reply back to Future Mike and have him e-mail Future Kato and have him e-mail Present Me to tell me where I left my Ice Cube: Lethal Injection CD? Seriously, I can't find it anywhere.

  2. And tell Future Mike to tell Future Sunny to e-mail Present Sunny the winning lottery #s once a month for the next 10 years.

    I don't care where my CD of fav songs is- I can buy NEW ones with my winnings!!!!

    Thanks MC! It's greatly appreciated and you WILL be rewarded according to Future Sunnys accuracy of forwarded information. The check will be in the mail!

  3.'re a genius.

    Nuff said.

  4. Don't egg him on Paulius...he'll have you re-arranging your entire blog because Future Mike emailed Present Mike and decided it was needed for proper planet alignment.

    (and yeah etch...I did ;O) just like you asked)

  5. Ah--I just saw _Lake House_ last night too!

  6. By the way, you're due to win the new your lottery on my 30th birthday. Don't forget your ole' pal Paulius when you cash that check.
